Punchbuggy | fr

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Ottawa-based Punchbuggy was formed in 1994 by Andrew Kieran (vocals, guitar), Jim Bryson (guitar, vocals), Darren Hore (vocals, bass), and Adam Ludeckie (drums). Their full-length debut, All Night Christian Rollerskate, was released in 1994; the follow-up CD Grand Opening...Going Out of Business Sale was released in 1996. In 1997, Bryson left the band to pursue a solo career and was replaced by Bryan Curry.

The Great Divide (2002)
My Norwegian Cousin (1998)
All Nite Christian Rollerskate (1994)
Grand Opening Going Out OF Business Sale (1996)
On Guard For Thee Compilation-AU GO GO Australia
Dressed for Success 7 MagWheel Records
Ottawa City Speedway Compilation
UnMUTED 2 Compilation

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