Beans Hambone El Morrow | fr

Fort d'une première place des ventes dans son Irlande natale en 2010, James Vincent McMorrow s'emploie à intoxiquer le reste du monde avec son folk aérien. Son premier album, Early in the Morning voit le jour en mars 2010 en Irlande où il sort immédiatement du lot. James Vincent McMorrow se lance ensuite dans une tournée de trente dates aux Etats-Unis. Le public français patiente en novembre 2010 avec les quatre titres du EP James vincent McMorrow. Cette carte de visite précède la sortie de l'album Early in the Morning qui sort en mars 2011 en France. James Vincent McMorrow...
Originating from the coastal city of Wollongong Australia, Never See Tomorrow have been making a name for themselves in a big way since they first debuted in 2006. In their short time as a band, this young but talented 5 piece ‘metalcore’ act have set their hopes high and achieved much in the past year…Having played numerous amounts of shows up and down the Australian coast has seen the band develop a large fan base in the metal/hardcore scene. Whilst pulling a further amount of attention for their recent cover of Vanessa Carlton’s, 1000 Miles. With an endless amount of...
Surf moderne. Stopping in 1963 to get some gear, then making a pit stop in 1977 right when punk rock exploded, these 4 marooned time travelers - The TomorrowMen from 3000AD - finally landed here in the present to play HIFI Instro surf music like no one else today. .
Cookies n' Beans are three Swedish girls with country in their hearts. Three girls with incredible voices; powerful, soulful, personal. Three girls with guitars and harmonicas. Add to that a contageous energy on stage and you have “Cookies n' Beans”: Charlotte Centervall, Linda Ström and Frida Öhrn. On February 14th 2009 they will perform their song "What If" at the Swedish Eurovision Song Contest in Skellefteå. The story of Cookies n' Beans takes us back to 2003 and a small basement in the Southern part of Stockholm, the indeed modest venue for their first gig. It was just meant to...
Crazy Hambones – Blues, Boogie and Roll Music Hambone is an age-old children’s game in which fiery, rhythmic thigh-slapping drives singing shoe-shine boys on to even greater vocal heights.It also describes a mentality that blues musicians should strive for even in today’s modern times. “Their music pays homage to the crazy and genial blues harmonica players of the past..” (Roland Salewsky, Bluesnews magazine). The Crazy Hambones stripped down line -up of electric blues harp, electric guitar and drums means it concentrates on the essentials, drawing inspiration from the vast legacy of legends such as Muddy Walters , Walter Horton ,...
A trouvé 3 Chansons, durée: 08:24