Beep Dee | fr

Under the name BeEPsy stands young talanted producer from Israel Maxim Kalchenko. From early years he begun employment at music, he played on guitar in style of heavy metal in many local bands. Parallel he fed sympathy to electronic music and after when he discovered the world of Psytrance , he decided to start make his own psychedelic music.After army service he deside to learn to deep profession of sound production and synthesis at BPM college in Tel Aviv. He got great experience and inspiration from many kind of music , combin it all in own tracks to make heavy...
MISTER BEEP - author of micromusic/lo-fi/chiptunes but very special: he uses only 1-bit (!!!) generator of Timex/Spectrum computer. He published many 1-bit chiptunes and his WWW site is: .
Beep Beep is a rock band from Omaha, Nebraska, on Saddle Creek Records. The band was formed in July 2001 by Eric Bemberger and Chris Hughes, formerly of Saddle Creek group Gabardine. Former member Joel Petersen plays bass in The Faint and also has his own electronica project, Broken Spindles. Their first album, Business Casual, was released August, 2004. Their second and last album titled Enchanted Islands was released in March of 2009. .