Goat Oath | fr

More than one artist with this name: 1. Finnish black metal band. 2. Oath is a sludge/crust band formed in Bandung, Indonesia in 2012. The band released their first EP "Compedium of Suffering" in January 2013 through Grieve records. http://sludgeoath.bandcamp.com/ 3. Hailing from New York, and Connecticut, OATH blends elements of old school thrash and metalcore into a fresh new aggressive sound for today's stagnant scene. 4. Oath is the name Los Angeles poet and visual artist Julia Nowak uses when performing songs. .
There are multiple artists with the name Scapegoat: 1. Powerviolence band from Boston 2. Hard rock band from Charlotte, North Carolina 3. Japanese visual kei band (also tagged as SCAPEGOAT) 4. Bulgarian death metal band 1) Scapegoat is a powerviolence band from Boston, USA that is similar to Crossed Out that they've been dubbed somewhat of a Crossed Out tribute band. The band released a self-titled 7" in 2006 and self-titled 12" in 2011 - both on Painkiller Records. Website: http://www.myspace.com/scapegoatpowerviolence 2.) This Scapegoat is known for incorporating melody, brutality, and beauty, to respire a stagnant music industry are Scapegoat:...
GOATBED is a side project of Ishii Shuuji (石井秀仁) from cali≠gari and XA-VAT, and his brother Ishii Yuuji (石井雄次). Their music is a mix of electropop and 80's new wave. Former members include Takei Makoto (武井誠) of cali≠gari and Cyanotype on drums, and Nakamura Masuhisa (中村益久) of Repons, portable pool and PENSION on guitar and keyboard. Official Website .
C'est en 1998 que Underøath voit le jour dans la chambre de Dallas Taylor, premier chanteur du groupe. Il s'entoure alors de Tim Mc Tague à la guitare, Aaron Gillespie à la batterie et Christopher Dudley au Clavier. Ils sont vite repéré par un petit label de l'Alabama nommé Takehold. Le premier essai verra le jour le 4 Juillet 1999 avec le EP "Act Of Depression" composé de 7 morceaux. Il se vendra à 2000 exemplaires. Un an après jour pour jour, ils remettent ca avec un nouvel EP de 5 morceaux intitulé "Cries Of The Past" qui se vendra...
Goatmoon is a one man black metal band from Lappeenranta, Finland. The lyrics are mostly about white supremacy, hate and anti-religion. BlackGoat rejects the "NSBM" label because, although racialist in his lyrics and perspectives, he doesn't particularly identify his lyrics with the National Socialist movement. Goatmoon was created in spring 2002 from the ruins of BlackGoat’s old band Count Lähde(-99). First recordings BlackGoat made by him self, but in some point of summer ‘02 joined drummer T. Bloodvengeance, who played on the half of songs on the first demo. On the early winter of ‘02 Bloodvengeance left the Goatmoon. BlackGoat...
A trouvé 15 Chansons, durée: 01:00:51
Ceremonial Whisper of the Ancient Goat
The Oath Of The Goat
Oath to the Goat
The Oath Of Martyrdom
Oath of the Goat [Heavy Metal Kings]
Ceremonial Whisper of The Ancient Goat
Ceremonial Whisper of the Ancient Goat
Ceremonial Whisper Of The Ancient Goat
1991 - The Oath of Black Blood - 06 - Goat Worship
The Oath Of The Goat
The Oath Of The Goat
4 - Oath For The Goat
B5 The Oath Of The Goat
Oath Of The Goat (Bonus Track)
Oath to the Goat