Him | fr

Yoshiteru Himuro is a young electronic musician who has been creating music since 1997 putting out three releases on UK Worm Interface label. Mild Fantasy Violence is his first full-length for the Zod label and continues his output of varied, crunchy, electronic that blends everything from 8-bit game sounds and instrumental hip hop to acid and old school techno. .
Pushim is an Osaka (Japan) based female reggae singer. Her voice caries well in other genres as well, so there are several songs by her that couldn't be categorized as "reggae." .
Le duo mihimaru GT est né en 2003 lorsque se sont associés Miyake, rappeur, et Hiroko, chanteuse. Chacun d'entre eux avaient auparavant déjà tenté une carrière solo, mais sans succès. Les raisons qui les ont poussés à former ce duo ne sont pas connues avec certitude, mais leurs deux styles se marient à merveille, Miyake intervenant sur la grande majorité de leurs chansons pour repousser la pop d'un couplet de rap bien placé. La voix d'Hiroko, bien que nasillarde, se laisse écouter sans trop de difficulté et leurs titres toniques ne manqueront pas d'attirer l'attention des amateurs d'urban music. Si...
There is more than one artists with this name: 1) Japanese group 2) Hiroshima is a hard rock/ A.O.R. band from Spain. 3) Hiroshima is a Heavy Metal band from Finland. They have released only one studio album, Taste Of Death in 1984. 4) Hiroshima is a Screamo band from Los Angeles CA. 5) Hiroshima ia a Hard Rock band from Olsztyn in Poland, Band exist since May 2005. 6) Hiroshima was a swedish heavy metal influenced trallpunk (melodic punk) band. 1) Hiroshima, a group whose music falls between R&B, pop, world music, and jazz, has long had its own...
1- German-Nigerian rapper and vocalist 2- Japanese pop band 3- US religious singer 4- Argentinian band ------------------------------------------ 1- German-Nigerian rapper/soul/pop singer Chimaobinna Enyiakanwanne Onyele from Brothers Keepers http://www.last.fm/music/Chima/Ausflug+Ins+Blaue http://www.last.fm/music/Chima/Reine+Glaubenssache http://www.last.fm/music/Chima/Fliegen http://www.last.fm/music/Chima/Morgen http://www.last.fm/music/Chima/Stille http://www.last.fm/music/Chima/Im+Rahmen+Der+M%C3%B6glichkeiten http://www.cduniverse.com/productinfo.asp?pid=2287200&style=music 2- Chima, Japanese pop band with Kayo Shimokawa, Tsuyoshi Yamada & Kazushi Tanaka. 1st album is 鈴蘭 (Suzuran). http://www.last.fm/music/Chima/suzuran 3-US religious singer http://www.last.fm/music/Chima/The+Shepherd+Minstrel www.facebook.com/pages/The-Shepherd-minstrel-Chima/283312998347886 https://soundcloud.com/chima43 4- Argentinian band http://www.last.fm/music/Chima/Viva+la+Pepa+EP .
A trouvé 192 Chansons, durée: 12:33:29
Gun Him Down
Do You Love Him
Running After My Fate (Crucifying Myself)
He Is the Voice I Hear
I Will Follow Him
He's Coming to Get You
And I Love Him
Put Him Out
I Like Him
Hım Hım Yar
I Don't Know How to Love Him
Now We Are Free - Honor Him (From "Gladiator")
Him I
Don’t Make Him Wait
Sexy Sax
Him & I
Him I GeoM
Him & I
Kill Him
About him
Even Him
The Kiss Of Down
White Lies
It Was Him
Hit a Lick
Let Him Cook
Let U Go
Guest List