Mahito Yokota | fr

Yokota is an artist name variation of Susumu Yokota. .
Mahito Yokota (横田真人) is a Japanese composer of video game music. Yokota is best known for being in charge of the composition for Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat and his collaboration with Koji Kondo for the Super Mario Galaxy soundtrack. He also helped compose the OST for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. During development, Mahito Yokota, who was in charge of the composition of music, originally wanted Galaxy to have a Latin style of music and even had 28 tracks completed for the game. The reason for this was in previous Mario games, Latin percussion instruments were used, such as...
Susumu Yokota was an electronic artist from Japan. His roots are in House and Techno, DJing at events like "I Love Techno" in the early 90's. Over the years his music has progressed into Ambient and Ambient-Techno genres. He became quite famous around 2000-2001. Today, his discography includes some 30+ albums, encompassing several different styles of electronic music within them. On his most well known albums he uses spinning samples of piano, voice, guitar and rhythmic components to create a musical landscape filled with everchanging moods and complex song structure. His best albums are said to be: "Symbol" where he...