Mohamed Ali | fr

Mohamed Reda est un chanteur marocain né à Fès, en 1978. Très jeune, il fut intéressé aux arts, poussé par son père, un antiquaire de Fès, et sa mère, créatrice de mode. Il prend vite gout aux arts plastiques et la musique, mais c’est dans le sport qu’il se donnera en priorité. Champion du Maroc d’arts martiaux, catégorie “Light Contact”, il semble se plaire dans cette nouvelle voie. Mais il jouait déja à l’époque du luth, de la guitare et du piano, et son amour de la musique prendra vite le dessus. Mohamed Reda décide alors d’entrer au conservatoire de...
Mohamed Mounir or Mohammed Mounir (Arabic: محمد منير ) was born in Aswan. His music unmistakably has its roots in the various genres of Arabic and African music. And his lyrics were from all over Arabian cultures, he sang a lot of poems for the brilliant poet " Abd Elreheem Mansour " and also for " Magdy Naguib " and " Fouad Haddad ". Mounir's fans sees him as a mouthpiece for the cultural and Revolution togetherness of the Orient and Occident. His music can be played at all moods, at any place. Mounir has changed a whole generation by...
Mohamed Ragab was born in Cairo/Egypt in 1985. The passion for music started in 2001, when he started to listen to Trance music. Three years later he had the chance to have his sets aired on the biggest Radio station in Egypt and in the Middle East 104.2 Nile Fm. Time goes by and he felt attracted to production,he started to learn what production is all about and how those producers do this magic, while experiencing himself he got a residency in one of the biggest clubs in Egypt (Bliss) So he started performing at the Club (2005-2006) and every...