Seventh Avenue | fr

Boyce Avenue est un groupe originaire de Sarasota, Floride, populaire pour la sonorité acoustique de son rock mariant mélodie et harmonie. Le groupe est constitué de trois frères, Alejandro Manzano, Fabian Manzano et Daniel Manzano, et de Stephen Hatker. Boyce Avenue naît en 2000, quand Alejandro (chant principal, guitare, piano) et Fabian (guitare, chant), alors âgés de 14 et 16 ans respectivement, commencent à jouer ensemble. Après moins de 3 mois, ils montent sur scène avec leur frère aîné Daniel (basse, percussions, chant), alors âgé de 20 ans, pour un concert à la Pine View High School, devant plus de...
1° Post-metal band from Venice, Italy. The first full length "The Herald" is released in January 2016 and is a conscious journey of the mind and soul. 2° From the heartlands of the Australian bush, Wagga Wagga, come the amazing sounds of Seventh, the latest in rap-core metal. Their first single, I'm Gonna Fly, was Unearthed by Triple J in the Riverina area, and since then has received huge airplay on JJJ. This is justified, as the song is a winner. The searing vocals are accompanied by crunching guitars and drums, which all combine to give a fearsome coalescence. Every...
There is more than one artist named "Avenue" 1. A rapper from Boston. An Interview he did with Pigeons & Planes: 2. Max George, Jonny Lloyd, Andy Brown, Scott Clarke and Ross Candy make up the boyband Avenue. The group first auditioned for Britain's popular TV talent competition 'The X Factor' back in 2006. The group made it to judge Louis Walsh's final 4 but the band were ejected from the show for concealing they had a management deal and were then replaced by boyband Eton Road. Now the band are releasing their first single 'Last Goodbye' which is...
**This new single Alex Avenue it is created by the producer of the chart topping UK N1 on the year 1995 of: U.S.U.R.A "Open you mind on Time / Multiply Records" and afterward "Open your Mind - DJ Quicksilver Remix on Positiva Records. Including “Jinny - Keep Warm” UK N6 on the National Official Charts, which this has also recently played on “Scott Mills Radio 1 Show” The dance old skool tunes! Now Alessandro Gilardi it is set to unleash with this new project Alex Avenue a new Smashing Single!!"* .
A trouvé 197 Chansons, durée: 17:13:32
Tales of Tales
Heart In Your Hand
Heavens Tears
Burning Heart
Touch of Your Love
Angels Eyes
Big City Sharks
This Night
Open Your Mind
Heaven Can't Wait
Heavens Tears
Protection of Fool
Midnight In Manhattan (1979)
Way to the Stars
One Life Ends
Infinite King
Nameless Child
Miami Heatwave (1979)
Where Are You?
Puppet of the Mighty
Levy Your Soul from Hate
Tale of the Forgotten Dreams
May the Best One Win
A Step Between the Worlds
Brighter Than The Sun (2008)
Grave of Heart
Beyond the Ocean
Until You Come Again
Pink Elephant
Dejame Decirte
Way to the Stars
Two Masters
Trail of Blood
Esclavo del Tiempo