Gardy Girault | fr

Gardy-Loo! was formed in June of 1990 when Nasty Savage called it quits. Ben Meyer, Richard Bateman, and Craig Huffman decided they were due for a change. They wanted to start a whole new band with a different style and musical direction. The first thing on the agenda was to choose a name-Gardy-Loo! was the ticket! The term Gardy-Loo was used in England before the invention of modern day sewage facilities. On page 131 of the brilliant novel Ghoul, author Michael Slade describes the terms origin. Even walking down the street in those early days was a hazardous pastime. British...
Martine hails from Brooklyn, New York. At the young age of twelve she was already charming audiences, having taken over from Stephanie Mills in the lead role as Dorothy in Broadway musical The Wiz. This led to theatre and stage work all over the world. Martine had been touring in the UK in 1991 when she met Ray Hayden from Opaz Productions during a recording with Amii Stewart. A documentary featuring footage taken during the making of her 1991 debut LP is currently being compiled. t's been over a decade since Martine Girault's debut single Revival hit the charts, and...
A trouvé 25 Chansons, durée: 02:11:56
Peze Kafe (feat. Gardy Girault & Coralie Hérard)
Peze Kafe
Peze Kafe
Peze Kafe
Peze Kafe (Sten Gilles Remix)
Nou Tout Se Moun (Gardy Girault Extended Mix)
Nou Tout Se Moun (Gardy Girault Remix)
Take Care (Gardy Girault Remix)
Toto Bissainthe Rasanbleman
legba (Kiskeya)
Forever (Original Mix) (feat. Jean Caze)
Basen an Fon (Original Mix)