Prochaine sortie un split Front Sonore avec Barbarossa Umtrunk "Le Siècle des Grands Abattoirs" chez Skullline. .
Led by clarinet virtuoso, Barbaros Erköse, the Barbaros Erköse Ensemble will present an array of Turkish fasil light classical and urban music in the driving and fluid improvisational style found among Roman (Gypsy) urban musicians of Turkey. Barbaros Erköse, of the famed Erköse musician family, has created a unique style forged from an interpenetration of Turkish traditional style with Western-influenced idioms and improvisational performance modes. The roots for such original synthesis lie in his musical family background and life experiences. In Turkey, as in other areas of the Balkans and Middle East, Roman musicians generally come from musician families, where...
Composition, instruments et chant : James Mathé Après avoir fait partie du groupe de José González, James Mathé a rejoint l’excellente maison Memphis Industries et accompagné Junip et Poliça en tournée. [...] James Mathé a longtemps évolué au sein du José González Band, groupe fondé autour du chanteur argentin installé en Suède et auteur du tube Heartbeats. Parfaitement intégré dans le groupe, le rouquin londonien adapte parfaitement ses choeurs à la voix de tête. À l’origine de deux albums sur le label écossais, Fence Records depuis 2005, il a sacrément progressé. Memphis Industries ne l’a pas loupé en annonçant pour...
Barbaros Erköse was born in Bursa, in 1936. His father was the ud player for famous Turkish singer Hafiz Burhan. He started playing the clarinet at the age of nine and started to attend the classes of Saffet Gündeger. In Ankara he played before the plays in the Sen Theatre where Ismail Dümbüllü was working too. After five years in that theatre, he passed the entrance exams for the State Radio of Ankara. He came to play for a performance in Istanbul and stayed to work for the State Radio of Istanbul. He accompanied many famous Turkish singers like Zeki...
Viene scoperto da Gianni Ravera, che,dopo averlo fatto partecipare al festival di Castrocaro del 1980, gli fa firmare un contratto con la Fonit-Cetra. Come vincitore di Castrocaro partecipa di diritto al Festival di Sanremo 1981 con Roma spogliata, riscuotendo un ottimo successo. Nello stesso anno pubblica il suo primo album, Luca Barbarossa, prodotto da Shel Shapiro, da cui viene tratto il 45 giri "Da stasera", che partecipa alla "Mostra Internazionale di Musica Leggera" di Venezia ma che non riscuote lo stesso successo di "Roma spogliata". Parte poi in tournée come spalla di Riccardo Cocciante. Nell'estate del 1982 pubblica il singolo...