Eero Aho | fr

Membre original aujourd’hui officiellement retiré du collectif Saïan Supa Crew, Leeroy est une figure du mouvement Hip Hop. Rappeur, producteur, comédien, beatboxer ... A l’aise en studio comme sous les spot lights, Leeroy est un personnage au charisme atypique qui dépasse de loin le microcosme de la planète rap. Avide de production, il se lance aujourd’hui un nouveau challenge en lançant officiellement sa carrière solo. Pour lui, tout commence dans les 90’s. Les historiques freestyles de Radio Nova seront pour lui le déclic. Il ne lui faudra que très peu de temps pour se faire remarquer à travers ses apparitions...
Eero Johannes is a one-man synthetic funk orchestra. His background as a drummer and a bassist has a fundamental part in building the electronic, "sugarhigh" grooves for the dancefloor. His first experiments with electronic music started with tracker software, his interests gradually evolving towards midi-oriented sequencers and playing live. His live performance, always partially improvised, indeed will make both girls' and boys' hearts throb. He's all about crisp electronic cuteness; bass of grime, Miami and chic; topping it off with a keytar serenade. His debut album was released in September 2008 at Planet Mu Records. .
Impulsive and dangerous with a paradoxically sweet core, Leerone’s album Heart Shaped Bullets blows into town like a home-wrecking Delilah hell bent on trouble. Seething with the spirit of emancipation and self-discovery, Heart Shaped Bullets cocks the hammer on a new, self-styled brand of soul revivalism—a collection of songs compelling enough to jog listeners out of their workaday complacency into a new, experiential way of living. With rock-inflected original songs that suggest some heaven-sent collusion between Nancy Sinatra, the Rolling Stones, PJ Harvey & the Black Keys, Heart Shaped Bullets increases female sexual desire and significantly improves potency in men....
1. Eero Heinonen (born 1979) is the bass guitarist of Finnish melancholic rock band The Rasmus. He's also a member of Hay & Stone. 2. Eero Heinonen (born 1950) is a Finnish classical pianist. .