Roberto Rodriguez | fr

Roberto Carlos (born April 19, 1943 in Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, Espírito Santo, Brazil) initiated a major revolution of customs in Brazil in the '60s. Reaching success in a period coinciding with the youth movement started by the The Beatles that was taking over the world, Carlos was the leader of Jovem Guarda ("Young Guard") . He led the TV show that became a generic denomination of a musical style and what was a definitive change of face to the Brazilian phonographic market and of the very art of marketing itself (with the advent of an aggressive merchandising of the JG's...
Pourtant Sixto Rodriguez, sixième fils de Maria et Ramon, immigrant de la tumultueuse México, aurait dû fouetter d'autres chats. Il est fils de prolo. Ramon, son père, travaille dans l'industrie sidérurgique et chante son désespoir sous forme de blues, armé de sa guitare. Rodriguez veut l'imiter. Nous sommes à la fin des 60's et les chicanos, au même titre que les noirs n'ont pas bonne presse. Sixto signe chez Sussex une filiale de RCA (Record Company America), Les 70's sont devant lui et Detroit, sa ville natale, vient de s'inscrire durablement sur la carte rock'n'rollesque. Detroit est le gros centre...
To those who have come to love him as the so-called “singing policeman,”—the New York City cop who helped bring the country an uplifting spirit of promise and hope with his stirring rendition of “God Bless America” after the September 11 terrorist attacks—it is no surprise that Daniel Rodriguez has always been a spiritual man. His first two albums, the debut SPIRIT OF AMERICA and the romantic FROM MY HEART, both included a spiritual song as a testament to the driving force in his life, and he has welcomed the opportunity to work with institutions such as the USO, the...
Né en 1978, en Argentine. Rodriguez a passé la plupart de son enfance en Espagne (île de Majorque), où il est arrivé en 1988. Dès son jeune âge, Il a commencé à étudier la musique classique et moderne. Rodrigo a débuté sa carrière musicale professionnelle en Espagne. À travers son premier instrument asian la flûte Shakuhachi (un japonais Flûte de bambou, utilisé par les moines bouddhistes en méditation pratiques). Fasciné par la musique japonaise, il s'est rendu à plusieurs reprises au Japon, pour en apprendre plus. Il a étudié au Grand Maître, Kaoru Kakizakai dans l'International Shakuhachi Kenshu-kan école et...
A trouvé 198 Chansons, durée: 00:22:16
Ride With Me feat. Max C
About This Love feat. Max C.
I Keep Thinking Of You
Loving Me, Loving You
Let's Go Silly
About This Love feat. Max C.
Cafe Del Mar
Cafe Del Mar
Like I Said (Original Mix) H.A.
I Believe In You
Thinking Of You
Moonraker (Original Mix)
In Mind (Original Mix)
Deep Cover (Roberto Rodriguez Remix)
Ride The Storm
I Keep Thinking Of You
Thank You - MGH
Mustat Varjot
Better Than Me (Original Mix)
About This Love (Vocal)
Binasuan (Original Mix)
Man on the Moon
Future Bass
Steal My Heart
Living My Life
I Believe In You