23 | fr

Since 1981, starting with a limited edition Psychic Euthanasia tape recorded in total stereo, I've been involved into VP 231 for a few years alongside Vox Populi!. My first LP, Unusual Perversions, was released in 1984. After some references, VP 231 was terminated following the double LP L'Enfer est Intime international compilation. Today, I am co-producer on all my productions. These includes Bunker Records in Canada for the 1987 Power Assume LP or now with Monochrome Vision in Russia for the recent Cthuluh Revisitation CD .
★Membres : Chant : 総史 (Soshi ) Guitare : ユ≠キ(yu-ki ) Guitare : 龍兎 (Ryuto ) Basse : リョヲ丞 (Ryosuke ) Batterie : BAN ★ Ex-membres : Guitare : Megumi (parti en 2005) Chant : Sou (parti en 2009) ★Biographie : Lolita23q ("Shoujo loliita nijuu-san ku" en japonais) est un groupe souvent classé dans l'oshare kei du fait qu'ils étaient associés, pendant près de trois ans, à l'esprit "Lolita" avec des vêtements très colorés, de nombreux accessoires et un maquillage soigné. Pourtant derrière cette 'mignonne' apparence, Lolita23q composait une musique lourde et quelques fois violente. Aujourd'hui, c'est toujours le cas...
Crunk23 is the collaborative effort of Noah23 and Crunk Chris; Owners of the labels Plague Language and Legendary Entertainment, respectively. Their release, Technoshaminism (2006), is primarily a mixture of Crunk Chris’ complex and glitchy beats and Noah23’s patented psudo-psychic-discordian-conspiracy theory-RANTpage. .
Offenbarung 23 (="Revelation 23") is a German series of audio dramas which is based on variouse conspiracy theories like the Titanic, Tupac's death and many others. Main person is the German college student and hacker Georg Brand aka "T-Rex" who searches and deciphers codes which were left behind by hacker Tron who died at 1998 in Berlin. .
There is nowhere to run. You cannot escape the torrent of 23RAINYDAYS. Their sound is a lush, impeccably mixed brand of rock described by the band's membership as Post Punk Dance Metal. This Washington, DC based band assails you with the heartfelt honesty of emo, the classic melancholy of 80s new wave, and the cutting edge of modern rock. The result is music that has blended mass appeal into one thoughtful sound. BEHIND/AHEAD There is a wry humor that is evident throughout the band's unofficial mission statement "23RAINYDAYS writes music that we hope will end up in John Hughes' films...
A trouvé 171 Chansons, durée: 09:43:35
23 Девочка (ft. TGK)
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