34-D | fr

34-D was a hard core band from Mexico City. The line up consisted of popular radio host El Warpig (Lost Acapulco, Atoxxxico) on bass, Iván Nieblas (El Diablo) on Guitar, Fernando Benítez (The Sweet Leaf, Simio, Raxas, El Diablo, Acrostic, La Orquesta de Animales) and Gerardo Cervantes on Vocals. They released a cassette on TOAJ records titled 34-D and won the Best Metal Album category for the Banda Rockera Awards in 1994. Three years later the band split and Iván, Fernando and Gerardo formed El Diablo. www.myspace.com/34drockcabron Review from Chronicles of Chaos.com by: Adrian Bromley (article submitted 14/7/1997) This is...