Bootie | fr

Known mostly as galvinizers of the international mashup scene, the duo Adrian & the Mysterious D aka A Plus D have forged a hard-earned reputation as crowd-pleasing selectors who not only shamelessly bridge the gap between genres, but between the alternative and the mainstream. Bootie specializes in mashups, which are also known in some places as "bootlegs." So what's a mashup? What's a bootleg? It's pretty much all the same. Also known as "bastard pop," a bootleg is a song that's "mashed-up." Usually, this means the vocal track of one song is mixed over the instrumentation of another. Using audio...
The duo Ghetto Booties favours low-budget electronic dance music and represents the audio part of the Gnu Girl Power Lounge collective from Zagreb, based on the equal sharing of work, clothes, cables, lipsticks, and open source politcs. Anja (a.k.a.Blond Bootie) and Dina (a.k.a. Black Bootie) perform their author samples with their portable computers, joind live with Lina ( a.k.a. Miss L. ) who represents the visual part of the collective with her layering of images. The GNU GPL crew collaborate with the Zagreb-based label EGOboo.bits, supporting the free ( in both senses of the word ) exchange of ideas. .