Johannes de Porta | fr

There are several artists with the name 'Portals.' 1. Portals is a downtempo band from Bloomington, IL formed in 2014. Facebook: Music: 2. Portals was a progressive metal project from Cleveland, Ohio started by Jesse Dickens and Jake Dick (ex TSTL Members), Portals delivers a combined sound of edgy Djent style rhythms with Fusion-based melodies to follow. Unfortunately, this band is no more. 3. Portals was the new project from Swansea based Rob Morgan aka Lifting Gear Engineer. Portals came into being in the summer of 2009 when Morgan decided to explore android influenced sounds, experimenting with...
Quintet australien, Portal est formé en 1994 et passe quelques années probablement sombres dont il est peut-être une bonne chose de ne rien savoir. Après quelques enregistrements, le groupe sort son premier album en 2003, Seepia, à la diffusion limitée mais dont l’accueil confidentiel d’une communauté pointue est plutôt positif, si tant est qu’un tel mot puisse être utilisé pour une telle formation. Avec son deuxième album, Outre’ le groupe affirme son identité en développant un metal abstrait, jusqu’auboutiste et détruit. Ses univers death metal extrêmisé en friche, en brouhaha abscons en font une formation assez unique dans le paysage...
Johannes Brassart (also Jean Brasart) (c.1400 – before October 22, 1455) was a Burgundian composer of the early Renaissance. Of his output, only sacred vocal music has survived, and it typifies early 15th century practice. Brassart most likely was born in the town of Lowaige in the province of Limburg, though the date is only known approximately. From 1422 to 1431 he was at the church of St. Jean l'Evangéliste in Liège, where he was a succentor. In the mid 1420s he visited Rome, moving there in 1431, where he was employed in the papal chapel as a singer and...
Reportaz was established in 1982 in Poznan, Poland by Andrzej Karpinski and Piotr Lakomy. The group emerged from the society of young visual artists, with punk and new wave roots of the 80's. The music evolved throughout time, but never followed any specific trend or had any commercial connotations. The musical and lyrical formula of the group concentrated on creating reports from daily life, not art. During the socialist period of Polish history the group's music was promoted behind the iron curtain with some help from independent labels from Great Britain, USA, Belgium and Italy. Some of the music was...