Sime | fr

A beatmaker from Sweden with influences ranging from 70s soul to cyber punk litterature to everything else. Joel Siméus' main weapon in the fight against silence is Ableton Live, his MIDI Controllers and a few secret weapons he records analog to digital such as his xylophones, guitars and bell instruments and vocals from a few loyal compadres in his hometown Stockholm. "I'm so underground I don't even have fans"" is one of his favorite quotes from himself and probably gives away a bit of his cynical sense of humour and attitude towards his own music, "the biz" and art in...
Members of Simentera come from many walks of life. Not only are they accomplished musicians, they also work in a variety of professions including law, architecture, engineering, medicine, and others. They are one of the few Cape Verdean groups committed to remaining in their country. This may sound like an odd distinction, but the forces they are up against are enormous. Cape Verde was one of the last African nation to gain independence from European colonial powers - a factor that has contributed to an enthusiastic national identity. Simentera is dedicated to maintaining this newfound identity and has started a...