Bogdan Irkuk | fr

Bogdan Loebl to poeta, prozaik, publicysta, autor słuchowisk oraz tekstów wielu niezapomnianych piosenek, zwłaszcza z repertuaru grupy Breakout i Tadeusza Nalepy ( Kiedy byłem małym chłopcem, Modlitwa, Rzeka dzieciństwa). Ukończył filologię polską na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim. Debiutował w 1956 r. na łamach tygodnika „Życie Literackie” jako poeta. Laureat nagrody im. Władysława Reymonta w kategorii Książka Roku za tom wierszy „Kwiat odwrócony Kwiaty rzeźne" oraz nagrody Peleryna za tom „Pozapromienne". W 2005 roku ukazał się tomik wierszy „Ulica zachodzącego słońca” z płytą CD zawierającą autorskie melorecytacje poruszających tekstów napisanych w szpitalu dla żony Anny. Mistrzowi, po raz pierwszy przemawiającemu własnym głosem...
Zvonko Bogdan (born January 5, 1942 in Sombor, Serbia) is an eminent performer of traditional folk songs from Bačka (Serbia). Apart from being famous as a singer, he is also a composer, painter and harness racer, and universally recognized as a bonvivant and a gentleman. He was born in the city of Sombor during the World War II, when the region was under Hungarian occupation, to a Croatian-Bunjevac family. Accompanying bands on his concerts are the Tamburaški orkestar Janike Balaža from Serbia and the Zagrebački tamburaši from Croatia. The late Janika Balázs and still living Jerry Grchevich are his favourite...
Bogdan Hołownia is a Polish jazz pianist. He was born October 3rd in the Polish town of Toruń. His career started in 1994 and continues to this present day. He first played with Jan Wroblewski. Later in his career he played with Janusz Muniak, Adam Kawończyk, Janusz Kozłowski, Marcin Jahr, Krzysztof Mroz, Bronki Harasiuk, Kazimierz Jonkisz. .
Bogdan Raczynski is a Canada-based electronic music artist. He was born in Poland, but his family moved to the USA while he was a child. He went to art school in Japan but dropped out, after which he spent time playing trumpet in Japanese jazz clubs and making techno songs on his computer using trackers, which he would release on the Internet under the netlabel Kosmic Free Music Foundation under the moniker "Karl". He also released music on the netlabels "noise" (as bogdan and undercover agent) and "mono" (as bogdan and ice.climber). Eventually he became homeless and lived on the...
A trouvé 20 Chansons, durée: 01:48:19
Lullaby For Robert (Bogdan Irkuk Remix)
Lallaby For Robert (Bogdan Irkuk Remix)
Enjoy The Silence (Bogdan Irkuk Lux Remix)
Guest List (Bogdan Irkuk Lux Remix)
Lullaby For Robert (Bogdan Irkük R)
Lullaby for Robert (bogdan irkük remix)
The Distant Message (Arken Remix)
lullaby for robert (bogdan irkük remix)
when i dream of new york
Everything Is Changing
Everything Is Changing
The Thracian Plain
Lullaby For Robert (Bogdan Irkük Remix)
The Distant Message (Arken Remix)
The Laws Of Physics