Blithe | fr

Singer/songwriter Emil Odling formed Blithe in 1990 in the small college town of Umea, Sweden, with guitarist Mattias Norlander, bassist Nils Forsberg, and drummer Johan Nilsson. While most Swedish alternative groups, such as The Cardigans and Komeda (which Norlander also plays for), are guided by a kitschy sixties sensibility, Blithe is more guided by independent guitar rock from America, such as The Pixies, Sebadoh, and Dinosaur Jr. Blithe slowly grew its reputation around Sweden, releasing albums in Sweden in 1992 and 1994. The second of these, Head is Mighty, came out at about the same time that other Swedish acts...
The Blithe Sons is the duo of Loren Chasse (Coelacanth, Of, Thuja, Child Readers) and Glenn Donaldson (Skygreen Leopards, the Birdtree, Thuja), stationed in the San Francisco, CA area. With acoustic guitar, harps, bells, harmonium, toy-amplifiers, gongs submerged in a creek, cymbals, battery-powered keyboards, vocals, banjo, birds, pipes, bell-blocks, drums, branches and the location itself as an instrument, We Walk the Young Earth weaves minimalist hymns with stark drones. The Blithe Sons conjure an imaginary wilderness through the sounds made within these mysterious locales, combining Chasse's leanings towards tones and percussive textures with Donaldson's folk-inflected melodies. Outside of publications on...
Blithe Field is Spencer Radcliffe from Ohio "Blithe Field/Ricky Eat Acid Split" CS (2012, Primitive Patterns) "Warm Blood" LP (2012, Poulpe Mort) "Two Hearted" LP/CS/CD (2011, Waaga/Messy Life) "Beautiful Wave '74" CD (2010, Messy Life) "Old Songs/New Songs" CD (2008, Self-Released) "When I'm Sad, I Never Frown" CS (2008, Somatic Bliss) .