Virgile Monin | fr

Summoning est un groupe de Black metal autrichien qui a vu le jour en 1993. Leur style est décrit comme étant du Tolkien metal et avec raison, car les paroles de la plupart de leurs compositions à ce jour sont inspirées de l'univers de J.R.R. Tolkien ; on pourra ainsi y retrouver les chansons et les poèmes présents dans son œuvre. Seul l'album Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame fait exception : en effet, les paroles de cet album s'inspirent d'autres auteurs que Tolkien, comme Moorcock. Les deux membres du groupe sont des musiciens plutôt prolifiques qui officient également dans...
Bestial Summoning was a quite early black metal band from The Netherlands with two demos and a full length. The band was formed in 1991 and had quite a following in the underground scene in the beginning of the 90's. The full-length is fully dedicated to former Mayhem singer Dead, who committed suicide in 1991. In 2002 a compilation of old material was released through War Hammer Records. On the 8th of August 2008, Conscicide committed suicide on his 35th birthday. .
Wilson Simoninha é filho de Wilson Simonal, uma das grandes vozes dos anos 60 e dono de um balanço e divisões rítmicas de primeira. Do pai, além do timbre vocal e da semelhança física, herdou o nome, que modificou um pouco para diferenciar-se. Simoninha lançou o CD "Volume 2", bem recebido pela crítica, praticamente na mesma época em que seu irmão, Max de Castro, saiu no mercado com "Samba Raro". Em seu trabalho, evocou uma MPB dos anos 60, passando pelo soul, samba e bossa nova. Homenageou o pré-bossanovista Johnny Alf com "Eu e a Brisa" e Jorge Ben Jor...
Cesare Cremonini (born on March 27, 1980 in Bologna, Italy) is an Italian singer-songwriter. Cremonini was the leader of Lùnapop, a successful and popular Italian pop band between 1999 and 2002. In 2002 Lùnapop was disbanded. He has since pursued a successful solo career. His Lùnapop bandmate, Nicola 'Ballo' Balestri, has joined him in his new band, along with other musicians. The singer's biggest solo hits include Mondo, Hello, Dicono di me, Latin Lover, Marmellata #25 and Le tue parole fanno male. Since going solo, he has released three studio albums: Bagus, Maggese and Il primo bacio sulla Luna, a...
A trouvé 16 Chansons, durée: 01:10:43
Frauengunst (Alla Johann Strauss)
La source mystique (alla Debussy)
Méditation improvisee
Danse de la Fée Dragée
Le jeune berger
Finale de la deuxième symphonie
Prélude en sol mineur
Nimrod des Variations Enigma
Après un rêve, Op. 7
Valse-mignonne, Op. 142
Marche des trolls, Op. 54
Fantaisie en mi bemol majeur

Vidéo Virgile Monin