Avida Dollars | id

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While every pork chop in town has been riding the waves of the supposed Sheffield, England ‘meat scene’, it was the “obnoxious, insouciant drone" of Avida Dollars that coined the phrase. Stemming from the Bahamas, Yorkshire and Congleton, the group found their spiritual home in Sheffield's London Road, home to the city’s chainsaw wielding, super-strength lager drinking, junkies. Avida Dollars’ shtick is a tough one to pinpoint; their music is more like all that garage rock shit but taking the kitchen sink approach, smashing it to bits and then doing a whole motherfucking conservatory extension. Infamous live shows combine the best Ts in pop (Trash Talk+Taylor Swift) with the usual macho shit like double decker crowdsurfs, 10 ft stage dives, broken teeth, human pyramids and inciting 14 year old girls into circle pitting with bearded blokes in their 50’s. No two live shows are ever the same: when playing a show of entirely Black Flag covers at a working men’s club they riled up a man so much, he took all his clothes off, stormed the stage and spent ten minutes showering himself in a constant stream of beer while slapping his member in creepy delight. .

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