Broadcaster | id

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(NOTE: there are 2 active bands named Broadcaster, as well as a number of non-active bands with that name)

Broadcaster is a band from Long Island, NY featuring Jesse Litwa (of Royal City Riot) on Guitar and Vocals, Anthony Vito Fraccalvieri (of Royal City Riot/ex-Stealing Jane) on Drums and Tom Kelly (of Tomahawk Chop/ex-The Homecoming Queens) on Bass.

Their first release 'Welcome to the Wetlands' is available for free on their bandcamp and on Woodland Records. They currently have a 7inch split record with New Year's Revolution from Audubon Records.

There is also another band by the name of Broadcaster based out of Providence, RI. They have been in existence since the mid-2000s, made up of members of the Providence , RI and Worcester, MA bands Killing Pablo, Science for the People, Eye Witness, Volcano Kings, Greyhounds, Osiris,and Bitch Bros. They have released on EP on 75orLess Records called "Drunkard's Walk" which can be downloaded here:
They have received a great deal of local press, including a resounding thumbs-up from Ted Leo of the Pharmacists and Chisel via his twitter as well as copious positive reviews of their energetic and unpredictable live performances all along the eastern seaboard. Broadcaster mixes a hazy 70s drugged out classic rock sound with urgent punk rock lyricism. Live the two guitarists bounce and thrash around stage as the drummer flails with her exhausting rhythmic poundings. They were even awarded Best Breakthrough act at the 2010 Providence Phoenix Awards.As one review plainly states:
“Broadcaster plays fuzzed out, frantic indie rock that clearly has its roots in the classic period of the late ’80s/early ’90s when the indie world was more concerned with rocking out in a basement than growing a beard and recording folk songs in a cabin. At various points, I hear the Replacements, Fugazi, Jawbox and Sonic Youth, but at no point do I find myself thinking Broadcaster sounds overly derivative. I am definitely interested in hearing more from these guys”
— Kevin Finn, The Noise .

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