Equals Conquest | id

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Former bassist/vocalist, I.m.i.x. Shish, of the Afterglows (former Reading, PA Punk/Hardcore) spins a complete 180 and strips down to his bare soul. What began as rough singer/songwriter ideas was transformed into a new level of sonic soundscapes/ beats/ keys/ awesomeness and textures by collaborating with former bandmate, drummer, and all around ruling guy, Mike Mollura. The duo have created a layered, dense, beautiful ride of gritty sounds and emotions on the bands debut, "Manifest Destiny". The Equals Conquest project grew out of the friendship of Imix and Mike. They had demoed various songs throughout the years, but had only dedicated themselves to the task of recording a full record in early 2005. The duo recorded "Manifest Destiny" exactly like they had always wanted to: on their own terms, on their own time, as equals, and with only themselves to please. After many years of musical collaberation, they knew that they finally had a record they could present to the world. The duo's philosophy has carried over to their live set. Live, Equals Conquest is a living being, capable of taking many shapes. The group, with an album's worth of new, unreleased material, is equipped to play almost any audience. Being multi-instrumentalists has also helped them and they have been able to swtich instruments mid-set if need be. Equals Conquest's style continues to evolve, offering something for everyone with a each tasty piece of rock and roll. Watch for these two as they conquer hearts and minds alike. -drp records .

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