Белый Орёл | id

The same as Igor Beliy. Состоит в Творческой Ассоциации "32 Августа". .
White Day (in Russian - «Белый день») is Russian folk ensemble. Since 1990 band release 6 songs albums and 1 instrumental (most famous - "Balalaika in Rock") album. "Balalaika in Rock" - incomparable covers collection. Most famous melodies of XX century - Queen, Deep Purple, ABBA, Europe and many others - played on russian folk musical instruments: balalika and (kind of squeeze-box). official web-site: Белый День = «Белый день» = Белый день = БЕЛЫЙ ДЕНЬ = White Day .
Белый Острог (Belyi Ostrog) is the Russian name of White Fort and Two Siberians. Artyom Yakushenko (electric violin) and Yuri Matveyez (electric guitar) are literally the TWO SIBERIANS. The talented gents hail from the vast and ruggedly beautiful land of Siberia, essentially “Out of Nowhere”. Indeed their name and the title of the CD tell some of the story. The pair that used to entertain all walks of life at photographers exhibitions and the like for shots of vodka now have their own album to boast of on the award winning Heads Up International label. When I saw the name...
Ditemukan 150 lagu, durasi: 12:42:58
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Любовь такая [2004]