Doren Groff | id

Jonathan Groff is an American stage performer and TV actor. He was born on March 26, 1985, in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Groff originated the role of Melchior Gabor in the Broadway production of Spring Awakening since its debut on December 10, 2006. He also played the same role in the original Off Broadway production earlier during the summer of 2006. In 2007 he played the recurring role of Henry Mackler on the ABC soap opera One Life to Live. His storyline about a school shooting on the long running soap opera was nixed due to the Virginia Tech shooting in April...
Appassionato di musica fin da bambino. Dopo aver concluso a pieni voti il liceo musicale, si diploma in pianoforte nel '94, presso il Conservatorio Statale di Musica di Trento. In quegli anni studia l'oboe e il violoncello. Nell'87 ottiene il diploma di merito al Premio Lioness per la musica. Partecipa inoltre a diversi concorsi pianistici in varie città. In seguito prende parte a diversi corsi di perfezionamento in pianoforte, in Austria e in Florida. La sua passione musicale si orienta da sempre verso il mondo anglosassone. Considera i Beatles la propria enciclopedia musicale. All'età di diciannove anni attraversa quindi in...
Born Joan Lucille Olander in South Dakota on February 6, 1931. Mesmerized by the distant glamour of Hollywood, Joan's farm family packed up and moved to Los Angeles in 1942. Her first acting job was at the age of 13 in one of the very early television shows as Little Joanie, the Flower Girl. At the age of 15 she won several beauty contests and found herself not only in the attention of the film studio RKO, but also in the eyes of director Howard Hughes. Hughes got her some small parts, but nothing very notable, and in 1950 she...
Ditemukan 165 lagu, durasi: 12:39:40
Нет(Der Golem Acoustic Cover)
Она была Сатаной
Цифровой ад
Ярким солнцем, синей далью
Солнышко(Demo Acoustic Cover)
Тем, Кто Предал Солнце
загалоперидолимся II
Во льдах
Снимай Свои Оковы Пёс
Омерзительная тишина
За небосводом
Птицы Чернобога
Белый Пожар(Бальмонт)
Бремя белого
Ad Infinitum
Утро всегда тяжелое
Ахалай Махалай
Without You
Насрать на моё лицо
П.П.Ш. Бутлег [CS]
Digital Hell (Dark Ambient Version)
Птицы Чернобога(К.Бальмонт)
Матрица имеет тебя
На Исходе Дня
Что бы сказала (Sheridan Cover)
Тем, Кто Предал Солнце
Цифровой ад (Акустика)
Безмолвный снайпер
I See The Light
Эти глаза
Путь Пустого Шприца
Heil to the King
Мы не вернемся обратно
Романтика убийства