Итальянская музыка | id

Peter Andreyevich Nalitch, is a Russian singer and composer who represented Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest 2010 in Oslo. In the final on May 29, he came 11th with his song "Lost and Forgotten". Peter Nalitch sings in Russian, English (the latter with a Russian accent, which he refuses to hide), Italian, French and Baburi, an invented language. The lyrics of his songs are often humorous and can sometimes be compared to child songs ("Yeti" - «Йети», is a song about a lonely yeti). MKPN also did covers of Russian romances and Cossack songs. All albums and songs are...
Vyacheslav Mescherin (1923-1995) was a Soviet musician who used synthesisers to produce his music. For a long time he was the director of the Moscow Orchestra of Electromusical Instruments. It was informally known as Vyacheslav Mescherin Orchestra, and for some quirk of translation, Mescherin's name entered many song lists in the form of Vyacheslav Orchestra Mescherin. Although Mescherin's name is relatively unknown in both North America and the former Soviet Union, his music is known in both countries in different ways. In the Soviet Union, Mescherin's music could be heard virtually everywhere, in elevators, on television backgrounds; the Soviet government...
СЫМОН МУЗЫКА - Фолк-метал проект музыкантов группы Dialectic Soul по одноимённому произведению белоруского писателя Якуба Коласа. http://www.myspace.com/573835031 .
Ditemukan 148 lagu, durasi: 15:47:15
Итальянская эстрада
Итальянская эстрада 1982
Итальянская музыка
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Итальянская полька
Итальянская музыка
В итальянской опере
Итальянский вальс
Marcia Reale
Итальянская классика
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Bella Ciao
Inno a Roma
Tarantella Calabrese - Calabria Bella
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Итальянское танго
итальянская мафия
Итальянская ретро-эстрада.
Итальянская гитара
Итальянская комедия
Итальянская комедия
Красивая музыка без слов
Итальянская полька
Tu sei romantica - Романтика