Yevgeny Fyodorovich Svetlanov (Russian: Евгéний Фёдорович Светлáнов; 6 September 1928—3 May 2002), HSL, PAU, was a Russian conductor, composer and a pianist. Svetlanov was born in Moscow and studied conducting at the Moscow Conservatory. From 1955 he conducted at the Bolshoi Theatre, being appointed principal conductor there in 1962. From 1965 he was principal conductor of the USSR State Symphony Orchestra (now the Russian State Symphony Orchestra). In 1979 he was appointed principal guest conductor of the London Symphony Orchestra. Svetlanov was also music director of the Residentie Orchestra (The Hague) from 1992 to 2000 and the Swedish Radio Symphony...
Born and raised in St. Petersburg (former Leningrad), the city which in the 80s was to become the center of the national rock culture, Lenia started his musical activity in the late 70s, playing in amateur rock groups. In 1983 he founded a rock band of his own, which was given the name of Auktyon (see also here). From the very beginning Lenia assumed the role of the main composer and musical director of Auktyon; later he also took up leading vocals, thus becoming the band’s leader, responsible for the band’s musical image, who, however, always preferred to remain out...
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Дочки и сыну
Сок чёрной розы
Доченька лапуля
Ах черёмуха белая
Бродяга мой
Джентельмены Удачи
Нежные Пионы
Берега попутала
Я ждал тебя так долго
Гуляй Душа
По тебе соскучился
Кони в яблоках
А я несу тебе цветы
клубняк - очень старый
Цыганская Песня
День весенний
Ты меня зацепила
- Полюбил я девушку одну
Я не желею не очём
Прощайте голуби
Золотая лестница