altai | id

"Altay Republic is a region in Russia, composed primarily of ethnic Russians and Altaians. Prominent modern performers include the Alexei G. Kalkin, who performs epics like Maadai Kara.

The Ministry of Culture of the Altay Republic operates several folklore organizations dedicating to preserve traditional culture, including music and dance; each is dedicated to a particular region. These regions include Ust-Kansky, O­ngudai, Kosh-Agach, Ust-Kok, Tchemalskys, Shebalino, Gorno-Altaisk, Tchoisky, Turachaksk, Ulagansky and Maiminsky."

"The performance of traditional epics, accompanied by the topshur, is an important part of Altay music. These are usually narrated in a falsetto voice and enunciated in the low bass register. They are pentatonic and include melismatics." .