A Certain Frank | it

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Frank Fenstermacher is the founder of ‘Der Plan’ and ‘Fehlfarben’, head of his own Ata Tak label, multi-(non)-instrumentalist on innumerable productions, and counts along with Kurt 'Pyrolator' Dahlke as one of the pioneers and forerunners of modern electronic music. Kurt ‘Pyrolator’ Dahlke was the co-founder of the band ‘Deutsch-Amerikanische-Freundschaft’, at the beginning of the ‘Neue Deutsche Welle’ era and went on to become the third member of ‘Der Plan’. He produced for Ata Tak, as well as other labels, bands such as Andreas Dorau, Element of Crime, Stereo Total and the Bad Examples, and is today one of the most sought after music producers in the country.Young bands like ‘Kreidler’, ‘Mouse on Mars’ or ‘Schlammpeitziger’ relate strongly to the Düsseldorf school of Pyrolator and Der Plan. .

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