Dorian Pimpernel | it

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Dorian Pimpernel : a name that seems born from the chance meeting on a dissecting table of an Oscar Wilde’s character and Lewis Caroll s fantasy. And maybe a sewing machine as well, which could make up Syd Barrett s sybilline melodies and Moondog s baroque harmonies, Brian Wilson s sand castles and the Kinks wobbly victorian buildings. All this using the sharp electronic tools of Terry Riley and Brian Eno. Four pieces in the shape of a pear, elastic ballades, tragic roundabouts, lunar plateaux, acid drops and celluloïd western movies.

Johan : organ, wurlitzer, synthesizers, bass guitar, percussion, vocals
Jérémie : vocals, guitar, ukulele
Laurent : guitar, bass
Hadrien : drums
Brendan : oboe, vocals
Luna : glockenspiel, vocals
Thibault : organ, synthesizer
Traip : bass, guitar .

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