Francine | it

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There is more than one artist with this name (and it'd be nice to see them separated onto two different pages):

1) Francine is a Finnish rock'n'roll band, although the word "rock'n'roll" may not give right picture of the band. Some would say rockabilly or something else, but the fact that this band is using a bull fiddle instead of the commonly used electric bass gives this band a special nature - the look, the feel and the sound (And the bigger the instrument, the harder the rumble on the stage). Another characteristic of Francine is wild performances on the stage - if the drums ain't broken or at least rolling at the end of the gig - it ain't Francine. Francine was formed in 1987 and it has over the recent seven years "stabilized" its composition to a three men group.

2) Francine, on Q Division Records, is a Boston, MA band with 3 full length releases - Forty on a Fall Day, 28 Plastic Blue Versions of Endings Without You, and 2006's addition, Airshow. Band members consist of vocalist/guitarist Clayton Scoble, guitarist Albert Gualtieri, keyboardist Paul Simonoff, bassist Sean Connelly, and drummer Steve Scully.

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