Liturgy | it

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There are two bands called Liturgy:

1. Liturgy are a black metal band from Brooklyn, New York. Originally the solo project of Hunter Hunt-Hendrix, the band expanded to a four piece in 2008, after the release of the 12" Immortal Life, which was followed in 2009 with their debut album Renihilation. The group call their style "transcendental black metal",which is described in a declaration written by Hunt-Hendrix. Their second LP, titled Aesthethica, came out in May 2011. Hunter was also previously a member of screamo group Birthday Boyz and Holy Wars (

2. Liturgy are a brutal death metal band from the United States. They formed in 2003 by Matti Way (Vocals, ex-Disgorge (US), ex-Cinerary) and Jamie Bailey (Bass also with Brodequin and ex-Cinerary). Jamie's brother Mike Bailey (Guitar also with Brodequin) and his friend Jon Engman (Drums, ex-Brodequin, Foetopsy) joined and the line-up was complete. The band has released "Dawn of Ash" in 2004 by the label Unmatched Brutality and are currently working on material for their second full length entitled "The Genesis Race".

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