Sycamore Smith | it

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Sycamore Smith is the stage name of Marc Smith, a musician from Marquette, Michigan. Smith, formerly of The Muldoons, has toured the United States with his uniquely comic brand of folk music, complete with derby hat, guitar, and kazoo.

Though little known outside of the Michigan area, his popularity is slowly growing, in most part due to his excellent website and some loyal fans spreading the word. Sycamore is an accomplished lyricist, and his songs often reflect his love of his home area and his atheism (Hokum All Ye Faithful).

..Well, that's one way of looking at it. Sycamore, on the other hand, considers himself more of an "agnostic," when he considers himself at all. Also--his feelings toward his home area are ambivalent at best, downright negative at worst. It should also be noted that Sycamore has a terrible habit of writing about himself in the third person on the internet, which is just so sad... .

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