The Robotix | it

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The Robotix promote themselves under the tagline "the future of rock'n'roll has arrived", and they're an accomplished group of young musicians. They hail from the Dallas/Fort Worth area of Texas, apart from lead singer Angelina Baez, from Los Angeles, California, and lead guitarist Yuto Miyazawa from Tokyo, Japan.

As of December 2013 the group comprises: Logan "Robot" Gladden (10) - drums; Angelina Baez (12) - vocals; Brendan James (12) - guitar; Yuto Miyazawa (13) - guitar; Jared Devino (15) - bass guitar; Jon Casel (16) - guitar.

The Robotix, minus Yuto, made the last 60 in the 2013 season of America's Got Talent.

Yuto came to the attention of the US audience when he appeared and performed on Ellen de Generes' show when he was 9 years old, and subsequently performed on-stage with Ozzy Osbourne at Blizzcon '09 and Ozzfest.

"Robot" has been impressing with his perfomances on drums since a kindergarten talent show when he was six, and has been compared to Jon Bonham. .

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