Torpedo | it

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There are three bands named Torpedo.

1. Torpedo is the sparkling alliance of four confused kids all living in the Swedish capital, Stockholm. The members, also found in acts like Tiger Lou, the Je Ne Sais Quoi, Starmarket, the Crystal Committee etc, got together during the rainy summer of 2004 and gave birth to this unstoppable spectacle.

Before there even was a band the two guitarists, Pontus and Andreas, went and recorded three songs in early July 2004 at their friend, Love Martinsens, studio. The result turned out even better than expected and they knew they had to move up to the next level. But there was still a few important pieces missing in the puzzle, a bass player and a drummer. Erik Welén, old friend and band mate with Pontus in Tiger Lou, was the given man for the job as bass player. Finding the funky drummer was going to be a bigger task, but after a few weeks with the searchlights Jimmy Ottosson from "the Je Ne Sais Qoui" came from nowhere and filled the hole. The puzzle was now complete and the game could begin at last.

The band went back into the studio and completed the recording of their debut EP Anticlockwise. Torpedo quickly got in touch with a few smaller labels and finally the German based Strange Fruit Recordings released the EP.

Andreas Hogby - Vocals, Guitar
Pontus Levahn - Guitar, Vocals
Jimmy Ottosson - Drums
Erik Welén - Bass
Love Martinsen - Synthesizers

Official website

2. Torpedo was a trio from the indie/punk scene in California, USA. They released several albums and EPs on the Omnibus label during the 1990s.

3. Torpedo is an Australian speed metal band. They released their first demo, Torpedo Metal on Heavy Chains Records in 2016. .

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