Югендштиль | it

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Its name, borrowed from German art history adopted in the definition of modern style and popularized his magazine "Jugendstil" (1896), this group has become one of the major sensations of the St. Petersburg club scene early 90's, once the vector of motion of his artistic thought: it music - a fusion of a nervous post-punk, brutal kraut-rock and neo-romantic decadence framed concise minimalist riffs (which later was the definition of Gothic architecture), and texts, to match her, is a kaleidoscope of strange stories, images of dark and depressive lyrics. The founder and ideologue of German Podstanitsky (r.23.10.66 in Leningrad) was raised in a theatrical family and childhood was not a stranger to music: a schoolboy has mastered the violin, piano and flute, then picked up a guitar, and age of thirteen began to gather their group (one the first was of a strange name Guerin poodle), but it remained childish pranks. In 1987, having come from the army, Herman joined the class of bass in a jazz school, continuing to write songs and find like-minded people. A couple of years he met Andrew Gradovich, ex-guitarist obscure school groups and, like Hera, a fan of modern indie music. They named Frederik Ruysch (this name had a Dutch anatomist of the XVIII century., A collection which was bought by Peter I and formed the basis of the famous Cabinet of Curiosities) and rehearsed, changing drummers and styles - ranging from post-punk to Russian rock and the acoustic ballad to hard . In mid-1990 to Podstanitskomu and Gradovichu drummer Vitaly Sokulsky (r.24.07.68 in Leningrad), and the formula for the band's sound was finally removed. Then Frederik Ruysch became YUGENDSHTIL. "It was inspired by some trifles, - explained the choice of the name Podstanitsky - call me a German, in the army I served in Germany, but my favorite band - BAUHAUS." (It should be clear that the eponymous style in architecture and design of the 20's, just, and has been the development of ideas yugendshtilya. ") In the future, a group regularly used in his work," the German school. " In the same year at home YUGENDSHTIL recorded his debut album "Bavaria Beer". Despite the apparent technical shortcomings, he already had all the features of the future style groups: the explosive solo bass guitars, dramatic vocals and a distinctive shaped a number of texts. In October YUGENDSHTIL joined the Rock Club, May 25, 1991 debuted on the stage (in the same company with spirits and zashib) and immediately got to talk about himself. Eighteen months later they were at the festival "Rock the independent ..." Palace of Youth, along with a bad Influence, AU, Sailor's Silence (Moscow), etc. At the end of the year they released their second demo-album "Masks", are not widely known, but the talk of the group have already gone. Their result was an invitation YUGENDSHTILYA the third festival of independent music, "turkey" that was held in March 1992 in the suburban nut-Zuev. Were followed by concerts in clubs "TaMtAm" and "Indie", touring in Penza and Yaroslavl, the new album "Anna und Marta baden" (1992), which, like all of the group, wrote their permanent director and sound engineer Alexander "Papic Channel . This album was quite acceptable quality and cost across the country with an original graphic design. In the autumn of YUGENDSHTILYA formed pause: Podstanitsky solve their problems and composing new songs, and Gradovich with Sokulskim involved in the work of a curious group POSTCOLOR, which emerged from the wreckage of not less interesting COMMUNE LSD. Return YUGENDSHTILYA on the scene took place only in April 1993 when they came to the scene after tamtamovskuyu guests from Moscow, RADA, and thorns, and the local bullies and NEVER BELIEVE Hippo. In September 1993 Kanaev finished recording the album "Hande Hosh!" Includes many gems of the concert programs: "Skaters," "Only you would not cry," "Dog", "Music." Then at the suggestion of Andrew Gradovicha the group was invited bassist Vladimir Pykhonin (Podstanitsky moved to second guitar), but the experience was not particularly successful, and Vladimir at the time was lost from sight. In early November 1994 YUGENDSHTIL and HAPPY BIRTHDAY made a short tour of Germany, giving a series of concerts in Lübeck, Hamburg (club "Markthalle") and Berlin (club "Eimer" and there the squat punks). In the studio "AnTrop" was recorded self-titled album with the group. January 1995 saw the participation of the trio at the festival "Rock for the harvest," which spent just opened "CD Club". At year end, mastermind of the club "TaMtAm" Seva Gakkel proposed company Kuritstsa Records recorded and released albums for the most interesting groups among the regulars of his scenes, among which were named MARKSCHEIDER KUNST, Chimera, KING AND CLOWN, THE SPIDERS and YUGENDSHTIL. It so happened that it was with YUGENDSHTILYA experiment began. Throughout February 1996 Andrew Alyakrinskii sound engineers ("TaMtAm") and Alexander Dokshin, with the assistance of an indispensable Kanaeva recorded at Studio GSN ("Melody") album YUGENDSHTILYA "No one owes nothing", which came as already-known material and new songs. The results are impressive, but when it started a discussion of the contract between the group and Kuritstsey, Sokulsky who felt this some trick, went on the cover was specified as a guest! His place was taken by Alexander "Dick" Brown of the young group SHARK. He quickly mastered the material, and continued to give recitals YUGENDSHTIL. Sokulsky later played in POSTCOLOR and loop, and then threw the music. Around the same time within the walls of the club "Mount" was born a musical social movement "Positive Squad"; its ideology became a friend of YUGENDSHTILYA, Vadim "Mickey" Chaplygin, which once exported them to Yaroslavl. In addition, he has collected in the framework of the movement of ALKOREPITSA and GIVE GUN! In the last play with him and Gradovich Pykhonin. In 1996-1997 YUGENDSHTIL continued to perform, but the concert was getting smaller, and the intervals between them longer and longer. In addition, Podstanitsky found work in theater, and Gradovich actively toured with LET GUN! Little by little activity group came to naught, and in January 1998, when Dick Brown joined in Gradovichu GIVE GUN! Himself YUGENDSHTIL collapsed. Sasha Kanaev engaged in the music trade, in particular, worked in the company PetroDisk "and Sokulsky in-store" Base ". Hera Podstanitsky some time played in Riga, St. Petersburg group ZGA, but then left the scene too. Gradovich that the departure from the LET THE GUN! stood behind the bar at the club "Fishfabrique", in 1999, returned to his guitar with a hummingbird, and then the two planes. Passed since the collapse of YUGENDSHTILYA years showed that the band's music, in many respects, anticipated the Gothic boom beginning of the third millennium, even today is exciting and revolutionary. Several attempts to recover YUGENDSHTIL the scene ended in failure, but 3 April 2003 they got together for a single performance at the "Milk." The concert opened BONDZINSKY, drummer, Igor Mosin in the second part joined Podstanitskomu and Gradovichu. The only published legally album YUGENDSHTILYA today demonstrates impeccable taste, imagination, ingenuity and energy power of this brilliant but underrated band. .

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