ゆよゆっぺ | it

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ゆよゆっぺ (Yuyoyuppe) is a producer of post-hardcore, metalcore and a unique kind of hard rock music, featuring both songs sung by "Vocaloids", himself, and other singers he collaborates with. As a well-respected member of the vocaloid community, he has earned the title "Legendary Luka Master" due to the number of his works in the VOCALOID Hall of Fame. He first began uploading music to the Japanese video sharing website, NicoNico Douga, in 2008, culminating with the release of his first album, Solitude Freak, in 2009.

In 2010 he formed the doujin circle draw the emotional, consisting of himself and artist / illustrator meola, who provides the artwork for Yuppe's albums and music videos. Meola's art lives up to its name, with Yuppe's songs and artwork often invoking highly emotional scenery, with sad, tragic, and melancholic emotions abound. The circle has released four albums of touhou arranges, expanding to include similar metal producer 無力P and post-hardcore band Foreground Eclipse, as well as doujin vocalists such as calo, F9, and Meramipop.

In addition to releasing multiple vocaloid albums, Yuyoyuppe has collaborated with notable utaite, human singers who frequently cover the vocaloid songs, such as 花たん, 周平, ピコ, and Luschka, sometimes even covering his own songs as an utaite. He has also collaborated extensively with multiple vocaloid producers, particularly AVTechNO! and 8#Prince, having remixed their tracks, in addition to having his own tracks remixed as well. His tracks are popular to cover by other utaite and producers alike.

Yuyoyuppe is also known as an electronic music producer. While he has created electronic music under this name, having been a guest producer on すみじゅん's doujin circle Halozy, he much more commonly uses the moniker DJ'TEKINA//SOMETHING. Under this name he acts as a DJ of popular vocaloid songs at events such as the Voca Nico Night, remixing popular vocaloid songs in an electronic dance music style. He is also a well known vocalist; having been the lead singer of local bands Not Have Form and NND group Lunetia, he is now the lead singer of vocaloid producer supergroup and live-act band My Eggplant Died Yesterday. In addition to his position as frontman, he also has released solo covers of vocaloid tracks and contributed vocals to the works of both Foreground Eclipse and APG550.

In 2012, Yamaha, the developer of vocaloids, released Yuyoyuppe's album "Story of Hope" on their official music label, VOCALOID RECORDS, to acclaim from numerous producers, vocaloid and non-vocaloid alike. Critics frequently comment on Yuppe's intense, as well as catchy sound, often underscored by rippling synth lines. Yuppe has continued to appear on Yamaha's compilation albums as a mainstay of the Vocarock artists in Japan. .

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