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Gli Aerosmith sono un gruppo musicale Hard Rock formatosi a Boston nel 1970 dall'incontro di Joe Perry, Tom Hamilton e Steven Tyler. La prima formazione vede Steven Tyler (voce), Joe Perry (chitarra), Tom Hamilton (basso), Joey Kramer (batteria) e Ray Tabano (chitarra), quest'ultimo sarà poi sostituito l'anno successivo da Bard Whitford. Il debut-album Aerosmith della band esce negli USA il 13 Gennaio 1973. L' album tra rock e blues, che contiene già grandi classici come «Mama Kin» e la ballata «Dream On». L’esordio è seguito nel 1974 da Get Your Wings tra i primi esempi di hard rock americano. Ma...
Founded by Johnny Shabandar and Wesam Isho in 1997. Distinct repertoire combining rhythmical styling and sounds of the Caribbean and Mediterranean nations. Bandoleros has a distinctive international flair and charisma. Released CD’s: Habibi in 2000, Bandolero 2002, Maximo 2004, A Part of Us 2006, Compas de Fuego 2008. "Guaranteed good time!" (Fox News in the Morning) "Chicago’s most eclectic band (ABC 7’s Janet Davies), Chicago’s premiere televised magazine show. Coveted Award of Honor for Contribution to World Beat Music at the 2003 Chicago Music Awards. Johnny Shabandar (lead vocalist, guitarist, songwriter); Wesam Isho (lead vocalist, songwriter, percussionist), Ashur Isho (lead...
Los Rieleros del Norte ("Railers of the North") is a Mexican norteño band. Founded in the southwestern U.S. town of Pecos, Texas 1979 by Manolo Morales, Los Rieleros del Norte is one of the oldest norteño bands still playing today. Morales called the band "Los Rieleros" because he formerly worked at the railroads of Chihuahua, Mexico. Unlike many other norteño bands, the Rieleros del Norte use both the saxophone and accordion in their music, creating a dual-instrument hybrid distinct from other norteño bands. All original members of the band are natives of Ojinaga, Chihuahua a town from where many other...
Soren Laulainen started off his music career in Beaverton, Oregon, where he composed primarily electronic, loop-based music. As he continued to write music his skill and popularity increased, and he began diverging and writing music in other styles. He currently resides in the Seattle area where he writes music for short films. .
Kerosene 454 was a rock band from Washington, D.C.. They formed in 1993 and split up soon after the release of At Zero in 1998. Band Members: Erik Denno (guitar/vocals) Jim Wall (guitar/vocals) John Wall (bass) Darren Zentek (drums) Before K454 Jim and John played in Wind of Change. John also played in Bad Wanda before K454. Jim played in Fuse. Darren played in T4, Donora and Slag. After K454 Jim and John went on to play in Vita Bruno, then John played with The Boom, then on to Canyon with The Brandon Butler. Darren and Erik played in Oswego,...