Wiggle | it

It used to be that bands were formed in a certain city. The Beatles from Liverpool, The Rolling Stones from London, U2 from Dublin, etc. This was because band members had to meet in the same studio in order to compose. Wiggle used network technologies to allow for musical collaborations over remote locations, and thus did not have to compromise for local musicians – the world was their domain to find talent. Being the first Internet based band to be signed to a major label (1996,) Wiggle received much media hype, with their music videos played on MTV, and being...
I The Wiggles sono un gruppo australiano di Brutal death metal formatosi agli inizi degli anni 90. Sono alcuni tra gli innovatori del genere assiememe, sebbene ne rappresentino l'ala più tecnica, prosecutori di un sound che ha sempre caratterizzato il gruppo, dalle significative sonorità aggressive, dure e rudimentali, condite con un'estrema perizia tecnica. Il gruppo è nato ad Alice Springs nel 1993 per volere dei quattro componenti Thomas Barkley alla voce, Danko Ferguson alla chitarra, Daniel Clarence al basso e John Powerstone alla batteria. Nella storia del death metal, i The Wiggles emergono subito per il loro stile unico fondendo...
Richard Wigglesworth is a Bristol based electronic musician. He makes Cinematic Acid music. Richard started making music in the 1990s. early four track experiments paved the way for electronic music based on beats and soundshaping. The music was within a techno framework but with break beat overtones. Richard performed two gigs in London at the turn of the millennium - firstly at the acclaimed Sprawl night (London's underground playground and test-tube for new sound) and then at Moon Palace near Kings Cross alongside Pilote and DJs from expanding records. Richard's experiments in sound texture culminated in 2002 with a seven-inch...