Ha-Dwa-O | it

Ha-Dwa-O! is a Polish band initiated in 1999 by two persons: a journalist and guitarist - Tomek Konfederak and a music producer and pianist - Bartek Wielgosz. The band have released 4 albums for now. All of them were published by Sony Music Entertainment Poland. The songs presented in their albums were frequently included into soundtracks of many Polish films. They are easily recognized all over the country by their 5 smash hits: “Zatrzymaj Mnie” (Stop Me), “Sen o Samotnosci” (A Dream of Being Lonely), “Tylko Badz” (Just Be There), “Oszukam czas” (I’ll fool the Time), “Magia Swiat” (The Magic...
Trovato 7 canzoni, durata: 24:43
Tylko bądź
Ha-Dwa-O - Magia Swiat
Oszukam czas
Wciaz Oddycham
Zatrzymaj Mnie
Popatrz Na Mnie