Israfel | it

The Order Of Israfel, Gothenburg, Sweden There are bands that are just too big and wide-ranging to fit in a box, like THE ORDER OF ISRAFEL. Tom Sutton (ex-Church Of Misery) and Patrik Andersson Winberg (ex Doomdogs) two members of the line-up, already have made it in the Doom scene, so this is a sure indication that this band will break any speed records. And of course, THE ORDER OF ISRAFEL are rooted in Doom, but they shouldn’t be reduced to the pure slow-motion sound, because Wisdom is clearly too complex. Wisdom is a record of big gestures and stories...
Israfel is a brutal death metal band that was formed in 2005, in Albany, New York. Their debut was released in 2009 by Nice to Eat You Records, titled Chainsaw Gynecology. Their name comes from an archangel in Islam. In Arabic the name means "The Burning One". Israfel holds his holy trumpet to his lips century after century, awaiting the signal from God to sound it at the Last Judgement. At this time he will descend to Earth and stand upon the holy rock in Jerusalem. The first blow of his trumpet will shatter the world, and the second blow...
The Chronicles of Israfel is the brainchild of Dominic Cifarelli, former guitar player for Pulse Ultra. The project was born during a very uncertain and difficult period in his music career leading up to the breakup of Pulse Ultra. Many late night jam sessions combined with the constant viewing of violent Japanese anime movies helped form the sound of this sometimes brutal and very dark album. The first part "Starborn, Tome I", follows Israfel, the main character, in his search for a new home and the self discovery of his superior inner design. Starborn was released in 2007 through Bridge...