Scary | it

Scary is a project with a computer, some software, a Mini Disc and an attempt to forget. Born in Finland, lives in Sweden and plays the bass in a Heavy Metal band and a Post-Punk band. Found a new way for expression through electronic music via the computer. .
Scary German Guy was formed in 1998 in Long Island New York. The two founding members of the band were vocalist Mike Curley and bassist. Shortly thereafter they acquired the services of vocalist/guitarist Gary Foster and began to form what would eventually become their trademark sound, later dubbed "Horror Core" by a local producer. All that was left was to add the final pieces of the SGG puzzle. Enter guitarist Jason Rhoads and sampler/technical engineer Chris Klapak. The original 5 piece was now complete and writing and putting together SGG's first release entitled "For the Sake of Man". SGG played...
The story of Big Scary begins in 2006, when Melbourne duo Tom Iansek (#1 Dads) and Jo Syme, armed with just acoustic guitars and egg shakers, started playing songs together in the living room of Jo’s parents’ house. After a bit of a break, the two reconvened in 2008, this time with more instruments—electric guitars, drums, piano, mandolins and ukuleles—and a bolder, more expansive vision. What began as a few rainy day acoustic ballads in their first incarnation soon grew into an all-encompassing, genre-defying sound. Before long, the newly named Big Scary were writing anything they pleased—fuzzed-out garage rock; piano-led...
Bryan Scary is the title-member of Bryan Scary and The Shredding Tears. His music is best described as "cinematic pop". Debut album "The Shredding Tears" was released in October of 2006. Scary and the Shredding Tears are signed to the indie label Black and Greene Records. Scary cites his influences as Electric Light Orchestra, Frank Zappa & The Mothers of Invention, Yes, and The Kinks on his myspace page, although arguably Scary et al are also influenced by The Beatles, The Move, XTC, and The Fiery Furnaces. Band-members of the Shredding Tears (not including Scary) are Mike Acreman (Keys and...
Scary Mansion is the musical project of Leah Hayes. She lives in Brooklyn and writes music on her thunderstick. When Leah Hayes accompanies her fragile, cracking voice with the thunderstick, the result is reminiscent of Harry Smith Anthology folk: simple, breaking, and humble. When running it through a distortion pedal, the noisy, feedback-y texture is closer to Royal Trux or Sonic Youth. Leah Hayes's melodies are always beautifully wrought and melancholy, and her voice has the expressiveness and simplicity of Will Oldham or Cat Power. Scary Mansion has toured with Kyp Malone of TV On The Radio, and sings on...