Mikko Pohjola | it

Pekka Pohjola (13 Gennaio 1952 - 27 novembre 2008) è stato uno dei maggiori compositori moderni. Di nazionalità finlandese, quasi sconosciuto in Italia ma apprezzatissimo in Stati Uniti e Giappone, è stato considerato una vera e propria leggenda. La sua musica spazia dal jazz al rock progressivo fino alla musica strumentale. Dopo gli studi di violino e pianoforte al conservatorio accademico "Sibelius" di Helsinki, Pohjola si gettò nella musica suonando il basso elettrico per i Wigwam, nota band finlandese, dal 1970 al 1974. Parallelamente all'esperienza del gruppo, si dedicò alla stesura del suo primo capolavoro da solista, Pihkasilmä Kaarnakorva, un...
Pekka Pohjola released one album (Kätkävaaran Lohikäärme) with this name in 1980. .
The thirty six year-old trumpeter and composer from Helsinki, Finland has been in the international spotlight for the past few years, and is acknowledged as a jazz star in the making. Having released his two previous albums on the German ACT label to huge critical acclaim, including a five star review from The Guardian, he’s now set to fulfil his enormous creative potential. Son of the virtuoso bass guitarist Pekka Pohjola, Verneri first came to prominence as leader of Ilmiliekki Quartet, a band that won numerous accolades including the prestigious Teosto Award for original composition. Pohjola soon emerged as a...
Born 1978 in Mikkeli, Finland. Mikko Tarmia is a Finnish composer, best known for his contributions to the Penumbra game series and Amnesia: The Dark Descent, developed by Frictional Games. He also runs an independent record label called The Sound of Fiction, which specializes in bringing film and video game music to its fans. The label's latest release is AIKA, an atmospheric orchestral soundtrack wrapped around a philosophically inspired science fiction story written by Tom Jubert. For more info visit AIKA website. http://www.mikkotarmia.com .
Trovato 2 canzoni, durata: 07:20
Sängyn Reunalla (Studio Version)