GoatScrote | it

Trovato 33 canzoni, durata: 01:39:46
Hymns of Warfare Worship
Intro (Etorcstaog) / Annihilation Lust
Black Winds of Nuclear Winter
Ablution in Shrapnel
Necrosodomy/Through Darkest Portals
Abluation in Shrapnel
Humanity Must Be Destroyed
Prostrations to the Mushroom Cloud
Seven Bowls
Revel In Pulverized Bone And Ash
Hymns of Warfare Worship
Weak Sheep Beg for Slaughter
Chaos is Our New God
Cudgel of Vengeance
Cull of the Lesser
Wielding Skull-Saws for Belial
Triumph of the Heretics
Triumph of the Heretics
Ballistcally Violated
Purification in Napalm
We Shall Orgy Upon the Blood of Angels
Gouge Their Eyes That They May See