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Deep System

A meteoric climb to success is something that most artists dream of, but few enjoy. Even fewer artists get to have any type of control of that rise, or how long the success lasts. “Deep System” is an artist that is still enjoying the ride, and reaping the benefits along the way.

At the age of 16, Deep System (known then only as Andrei S.) got his start as a club mc and hip-hop artist. During this time, he released 4 mix tapes. His passion for music comes from an earlier age when he discovered his father’s old dj equipment tools. He started playing with his dad’s equipment, and then the magic happened. In an effort to take his music and talent to another level, he also engaged in taking voice lessons.

In 2009, the success of Deep System began its ascent with millions of viewers on YouTube, along with more supporters and followers in the clubs. This boom in attention to Deep System was sparked by the song “What Is Love”. This success led the way for the success of the songs “Why” and “It’s ok”. The next song “Mr DJ” garnered over a million views on YouTube by itself, and was even featured on radio and in clubs all across Europe. “Mr DJ” became one of the most loved songs of 2010.

Deep System’s growing popularity earned him a spot as a special guest at the “Albanian Eurovision” song contest. Since then, Deep System has not slowed down, and continues to enjoy success with every release, and has even enjoyed success with collaborations with other artists such as “Da Fleiva”, “Connect-R”, “Chris Mayer”, “Jayoh”, “Jeta Faqolli “, “Deniz K.”, and “Andy M.” along the way.

Soon the name (and music) of “Deep System” will be a household name around the world. In order for this to happen, it will take something he already possesses……True talent, and hunger.