Deviant Electronics | ja

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Deviant Electronics is Brighton-based producer Ciaran Walsh, whose introduction to electronic music came from parties like Club Dog and the free party scene of 1992-93, with events like Castlemorton and live techno/trance acts such as Eat Static. Having been involved with music in various forms from an early age, the transition from ‘real’ to electronic instruments was a natural one. His most noticeable album is called Blunt Instruments which consists 9 highly experimental and unique tracks which blend drum&bass, idm, electro and various psychedelic elements all in one. It was released in 2000. His first tracks appeared in 2 EP's relased in 1995 and 1996. His 1st full album was released in 1997 called Brainwashing Is Child's Play. He now works full time as music maker for computer games these days. He has made music for several well known computer games. His latest appearance was on the Grow Your Own album relase by Polyploid.

Further Info: Deviant Electronic's Discogs Page .

