Earth Loop Recall | ja

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Earth Loop Recall (ELR) were an electro-rock band from London. They were formed in summer 2001 by Ben McLees and Mark Waterhouse, and were quickly joined by bassist Dan Gray and keyboardist Joanna Quail. ELR self-released two EPs ('All Else Failed' the first, in 2001) which, in conjunction with a string of intense live shows in London throughout 2002, convinced Cheltenham indie label Wasp Factory to sign the band.

ELR's debut album 'Compulsion' was released to critical acclaim in February 2004, with the album launch night being a memorable gig at The Water Rats Theatre in London. The band went on to support The Damned later that year, as well as headlining a string of shows in London.

The final date of 2004, and ultimately the final date of ELR mk 1, was a disasterous show at Islington Academy in October, at which the band's set was blighted by persistant sound & technical problems. Sessions began for the follow-up to 'Compulsion' in the new year, and a 2-track EP, ironically named 'Futureless', appeared in January 2005.

ELR split in February 2005, differences over the band's direction (evident in the stylistic gulf between the two ELR offshoots, SonVer and Mordachi) meaning ELR had become an unworkable project for the four members of the band.

At the end of 2006, Ben had taken up an offer to reform ELR for a one-off show for Wasp Factory, taking place in March 2007. With Mark now fully-focussed on Mordachi, I Am Immune guitarist Tim Clark was drafted into the band along with drummer Dan Vickers.

The one-off gig quickly became a string of shows, and it wasn't long before ELR mk 2 had a new deal, this time with Line Out Records. 'Comeback' single 'The Bitter Begin' was released in June to coincide with a show at Camden Underworld, the place where it had all started 6 years earlier.

Former Deathboy guitarist Jason Knight joined the fold in August, (Jason had guested with ELR at the start of 2003 for two shows) and the 5-piece ELR went on to play further dates in London, including another at the Underworld.

With ELR's 2nd album, 'This Means Nothing To You' almost at completion, a taster track - the punky 'Never Again Until Next Time' was released at ELR's headline (and final) show at The Fly in London on January 21st 2008. (The entire show can be found on YouTube).

As it was, the album was still uncomplete as the band split for good less than a month later. There are plans for the posthumous album to be released in some form before the end of 2008.

Official Myspace Site: .
