Jacqueline McKenzie | ja

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Jacqueline is an actress from Sydney, Australia.

She graduated from the prestigious National Institute of Dramatic Art in Sydney, which boasts Mel Gibson, Judy Davis, Cate Blanchett and Geoffrey Rush among its alumni. She made her screen debut in “Romper Stomper,” starring opposite Russell Crowe. Her portrayal of the troubled Gabe in this film was the first of many award-winning performances.

Whilst shooting Paul Cox's Human Touch in September, 2003, she began her love affair with painting. Her spare time is spent at the canvas or in the recording studio writing and recording songs.

She is currently in Bogotá, Columbia shooting the first season of a new Television show called "MENTAL" for Fox and written by Deborah Joy LeVine and Dan Levine. She is hoping by the seasons wrap to be bilingual! At least, that's the dream! .