O Teatro Mágico | ja

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O Teatro Mágico ("The Magic Theatre") is a project headed by Fernando Anitelli; it started in 2003 in Osasco, SP, Brazil.

Anitelli had had another band, Madalena 19, and, intending to gather money to record an album, he went to the U.S. to work as a waiter. There he got to know Hermann Hesse's novel Steppenwolf. In the book, the protagonist runs into a man who is advertising the "Magic Theatre", and that's where Anitelli got the name of the album he was working on from.

Back in Brazil he structured the twelve-person project as a mix of music, circus, poetry, and theatre. The group is composed of:

Fernando Anitelli (acoustic guitar, vocal)
Willians Marques (percussion)
Emerson Marciano (bass)
Nenê Santos (drums)
Luis Galdino (violin)
DJ HP (sample, effect and bases)
Rober Tosta (theater, trapeze, stilts)
Daniela Homsi (flute, dance, juggling, fire performances)
Gabi Veiga (fabrics, ground acrobatic, doll)
Ligia Moreno (fabrics, acrobatic, doll)
Toicinho (clown, juggling)

With the project ready, the twelve of them, dressed as clowns, began to tour; word-of-mouth advertising generated positive reviews and responses, and their concerts started growing despite the lack of label or media support. They are responsible for everything about the project - from the make-up and models to promotion, webdesign, and even scheduling their own presentations. With no help except from their fans, the independent project has sold about 80,000 copiesof its first CD, Entrada para Raros.

*Official site .

