Lower Heaven | ja

There are several Sunflower artists here. This description is about the jazz rock band. Sunflower is a rock band from Leicester, United Kingdom, with influences from jazz and funk styles. Tom Hackwell (Guitar and Vocals) Kate Fowkes (Saxophone & Piano) Ben Le Grice (Bass Guitar) Mark Cardwell (Drums & Percussion) www.myspace.com/thesunflowerpage They released their eponymous debut on March 18th, 2010 Sunflower was also a band from Austin, TX in the mid 1990s. They released two albums New Territory and Round Trip. A third Sunflower is an electronica/ambient act, including the full track "Sunflower." The album "Welcome Silence" is of Native...
The friendship that spawned Patent Pending, the debut release from Heavens, began several years back when Matt Skiba moved to Los Angeles from Chicago, and wound up becoming housemates with Josiah Steinbrick, himself an East Coast native. "We're both music nerds," Skiba explains. "So one day were both hanging out listening to records and Joe pulls out this cassette he had recorded with just these instrumental tracks. Even without lyrics I could tell they were amazing songs and said that we should start writing together. I had a sixteen-track in my room that I was using to demo Alkaline Trio...
There is more than one artist with the name Flowers. 1) Flowers is Sam, Rachel and Jordan. Upon meeting in 2012, they moved in together and started practicing and writing pop songs in their London living room. Their live performances draw a line between joyous fuzz pop and minimalist brilliance, with screaming distortion eventually calming down to singer Rachel playing solo on a one-stringed bass. 2) The original incarnation of the Australia new wave group Icehouse. They formed in Sydney in 1977 and released the album "Icehouse" under the name Flowers in 1980. Subsequent overseas releases of the album credit...
1994年、フランスのパリで結成。 2001年に発表した2ndアルバム「Sign Of The Winner」は、GAMMA RAY等の先達からの引用が若干目立つものの、哀愁のメロディと疾走感を両立させており、 当時日本のネット上において一世を風靡していた「クサメタル」と呼称されるジャンルのファンから熱烈な歓迎を受けた。 その後、上記のムーブメントが沈静化すると共にその存在感は(日本のインターネットにおいて)薄れていくが、バンドは定期的に作品を発表している。 ギタリストのフレデリク・ルクレルクは、後にベーシストとしてDRAGON FORCEに加入した。 .
Vo&Gt:yui (ゆい) Key:mura☆jun (むらじゅん) Ba:mafumafu (まふまふ) Dr:sacchan(さっちゃん) Vo.Gtのyuiがリスペクトするミュージシャンたちに声をかけ結成されたバンド。 FLOWER FLOWERという名前については、「気取ってなくて自然な名前にしたいと思いつけた。かっこいい名前はいくらでもあったかもしれないが、あえて肩の力が抜けている、自然と入り込んでくる名前にしたかった。パワフルでおもしろい発想を自由に表現したいという気持ちを込めた」ということで命名。 これまでにフルアルバム「実」とミニアルバム「色」をリリースしている。 .